The brand name I would like to analyze is Milka, produced by Kraft Foods.
There is a conection between the product and the name , because the chocolate it`s made for the most part with milk , wich comes from a cow. So I think that the name of this product comes from a cow named Milka , wich is the mascot of the firm.
There is no translation in romanian language and in our language it has the same name,Milka.
In my opinion ,the name of the brand brings great advantages , because it`s a name wich makes you think at something funny , something sweet ,especially when you see the advertisements with all those cute animals.
I don`t have any idea about a new product in this range because it`s very diversified wich satisfies all tastes, from milk chocolate to chocolate with different flavor of fruits and different shapes, crackers with chocolate even icecream.
Milka chocolate, whatever flavour, it`s my favourite.