vineri, 31 decembrie 2010


A New year
A New Start
A New Chapter
A New Beginning
Forget the bad
Cherish the GOOD.


luni, 22 noiembrie 2010


                               WHAT MOTIVATES PEOPLE TO CHANGE

From my point of view changes are part of our lives.Time is constantly changing us beceause we pass through one stage of our live into another wich requiers a change of our behavior, of our personality , our physique and our manner of thinking.
There may be a thousands of reasons why people can change.For example our family,our friends,a tragedy,school,social status...
Changes can be pozitive , but unfortunately for semeones are negative.We have to be carefull how we change and above all that wo can`t forget that we are humans.
You agree or disagree with my opinion on this question? I'll wait your opinions....

sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010

My most valuable photo

This photo was taken in a trip wich I made it in high-school,in 2009.It was the most beautiful trip because we had visited a lot of beautiful places from our country.For example the Bears Cave , Baile Herculane,we were on a cruise on the Danube , we also visited Corvin castle and other wonderful landscapes.
This photo is one of the many pictures I`ve done in that trip.This picture it was taken at The Table of Silence made by a grea romanian sculpto,Constantin Brancusi.It  has a great value because it reprezents a Romanian monument , and it was a tributefor the heroes wich died in the First World War.  
Thanks to this pictures I will always remember that beautifull trip.

Now I insert a picture that I like. I chose this picture because I love horses.You like this picture? What do you think about the little horse?

marți, 16 noiembrie 2010


                      Maia Morgenstern endorse BONCAFE SELECTED.


          DONCAFE is made from coffee 100% natural, recognized on Brazilian plantations and according to high standards of quality.
         Coffee has earned the reputation of "intellectual beverage" because the action exerted on the nervous system.
         Caffeine has a positive effect on the action of the heart, lungs and treating migraines.
         DONCAFE relies on the defining characteristic of the brand - the association of taste with a rich and resonant name of Romanian theater scene - Maia Morgenstern.
        Obviously, we have only the positive aspects producer of coffee, but you should know that there are negative aspects. First, you should not eat large amounts because than appears insomnia and in the second row may lead to a slight feeling of dependence. Also not recommended for minors.
                            What is your opinion on coffee Doncafe?Ascultaţi
Citiţi fonetic


joi, 4 noiembrie 2010

Brand names

                     The brand name I would like to analyze is Milka, produced by Kraft Foods.

There is a conection between the product and the name , because the chocolate it`s made for the most part with milk , wich comes from a cow. So I think that the name of this product comes from a cow named Milka , wich is the mascot of the firm.
There is no translation in romanian language and in our language it has the same name,Milka.
In my opinion ,the name of the brand brings great advantages , because it`s a name wich makes you think at something funny , something sweet ,especially when you see the advertisements with all those cute animals.
I don`t have any idea about a new product in this range because it`s very diversified wich satisfies all tastes, from milk chocolate to chocolate with different flavor of fruits and different shapes, crackers with chocolate even icecream.
Milka chocolate, whatever flavour, it`s my favourite.

joi, 28 octombrie 2010

What did you do last summer?

Last summer was very short; For this reason I couldn't go on vacation somewhere far from the city.Still, I took the time to go to Sovata for 3 days, with my boyfriend.

I really enjoyed those days. The resort was a really nice place to be at. We stayed at the Alunis hotel. We spent most of our time at the spa, swimming in the pool which contained salty water and we went to the sauna. We relaxed and had a great time.We also wanted to visit the Ursu Lake, but unfortunatelly it wasn't available for tourists at the time.

After that, I spent the rest of my holiday in town. I went to work and in my free time I went out with my friends. We went to the Week-End. There we got tanned and we swam in the pool. All in all, I enjoyed my summer vacation.

marți, 19 octombrie 2010